snr.control {assist}R Documentation

Set Control Parameters for snr


Control parameters supplied in the function call replace the defaults to be used in calling snr.


snr.control(rkpk.control = list(job = -1, tol = 0, init = 0, limnla = c(-10, 
    0), varht = NULL, theta = NULL, prec = 1e-06, maxit = 30), 
    nls.control = list(returnObject = TRUE, maxIter = 5), incDelta = 0.001, 
    prec.out = 0.001, maxit.out = 30, converg = "COEF", method = "GN", 
    backfit = 5) 


rkpk.control a optional list of control parameters for dsidr or dmudr to estimate the unknown functions. Default is "list(job = -1, tol = 0, init = 0, limnla = c(-10, 0), varht = NULL, theta = NULL, prec = 1e-06, maxit = 30)".
nls.control a list of control parameters for the nonlinear regression step, the same as gnlsControl. Default is "list(returnObject = TRUE, maxIter = 5).
incDelta the incremental value to be used to calculate derivatives for the unknown functions. Default is 0.001
prec.out tolerance for convergence criterion. Default is 0.0001.
maxit.out maximum number of iterations for the algorithm. Default is 30.
converg an optional character, with possible values COEF and PRSS, specifying the convergence criterion to be used. COEF uses the change of estimate of parameters and functions to assess convergence, and PRSS uses penalized residual sums of squares. Default is COEF.
method an optional string of value either GN for Gauss-Newton or NR for Newton-Raphson iteration methods to estimate the unknown functions. Default is GN.
backfit an integer to set the number of backfitting iterations inside the loop. Default is 5



returned is a list includes all re-seted control parameters.


Chunlei Ke and Yuedong Wang

See Also

snr, dsidr, dmudr, gnls, gnlsControl


## use Newton-Raphson iteration and only a single backfitting
snr.control(method="NR", backfit=1)

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