Next: The nnr Function
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Previous: Non-Parametric Nonlinear Regression Models
In model () we have assumed that the function is
observed through linear operators 's plus random errors.
Sometimes the function is observed indirectly which involves
nonlinear operators
(O'Sullivan, 1990; O'Sullivan and Wahba, 1985; Wahba, 1990; O'Sullivan, 1991; Wahba, 1987).
We consider the following non-parametric nonlinear regression
(NNR) model
(30) |
where is a known function of
in an arbitrary domain ,
is a vector
of unknown non-parametric functions which act nonlinearly as
parameters of the function , and
are random errors distributed as
The functions 's could have the same or different domains.
We denote the model space of as
(31) |
We estimate
as the minimizer of the following penalized weighted
least squares
(32) |
where is the orthogonal projection operator of onto
in .
In the following we consider the special case when
(33) |
where is a known nonlinear function, 's are
linear operators. () holds for most applications
and 's are usually the evaluational functionals. When
() does not hold, using linearization method, we
can approximate
by a linear combination
of linear operators.
When () holds, the solutions to ()
have the form (). Specifically,
(34) |
are bases of ,
and is the rk of . We estimate coefficients
's and 's using () with 's being
replaced by (). Since in () is
nonlinear, an iterative method has to be used to solve these
coefficients. Two methods are used: the Gauss-Newton and
Newton-Raphson procedures. See Ke and Wang (2002) for more details.
Next: The nnr Function
Up: Non-Parametric Nonlinear Regression Models
Previous: Non-Parametric Nonlinear Regression Models
Yuedong Wang